The Old Farm Lakes Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions charges the elected Association Board to enforce specific restrictions. The Declaration also requires that prior to any modification or addition to a homeowner’s property, a plan must be submitted to the Board for review and approval. To expedite the review process, the covenants call for the formation of an Architecture Review Committee.
The OFL Covenants require that if you are making any changes to your property that you submit a plan before doing so. The plan should be delivered to the Architecture Review Committee for review and approval.
The Committee, acting on the behalf of the full Board, will approve or disapprove a homeowner’s plan based on the following:
- The extent to which the proposal conforms to the Annexation Agreement (Article II, Section 2a)
- The extent to which the proposal conforms with the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions
- The extent to which the proposal is comparable with the existing and proposed use of adjoining or nearby properties
- The extent to which the proposal is consistent with and enhances the overall quality of the Old Farm Lakes development
Architecture Policies
The last two criteria grant the Board latitude to establish ‘policies’ regarding consistency in things not specifically stated in the covenants. The Board has adopted architecture policies over a period of years. Many of the policies have been communicated through newsletters and now via the Association website.