2019 Annual Association Meeting

The Association Annual Meeting was held April 9, 2019.  Twenty one households were represented at the meeting.  Two Board members were elected to two-year terms by acclamation:

Rob Mikel (29 Drake Court)
Drew May (915 Eddy Road)

The Board is responsible for filling the two remaining open positions. The Board will appoint two property owners to serve one-year terms as OFLPOA Board Members. If you would like to be considered for one of the open positions, notify a current Board Member.

A full listing of all the current Board members along with the email addresses and phone numbers is available on the Board Member section of the website.

The Annual Meeting Minutes were approved at the May Board meeting and are posted on the website.  The budget and meeting minutes can be found in the Members section of the website under OFL Meeting Minutes.

The Annual Garage Sale was held May 4 and 4 with several homeowners participating in the two-day sale.