OFL Covenants and Restrictions

Old Farm Lakes is a covenant-protected community. This means that all property owners, by owning a home in Old Farm Lakes, have agreed to abide by the Covenants and Restrictions for the subdivision.

Our subdivision developer wrote the Old Farm Lakes Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions in April, 1987 when the subdivision was founded.

As a legal document, the Declaration requires that an elected Board of Directors enforce the specific restrictions, set policy in areas not addressed by the Covenants, maintain the common property, and collect annual Association dues from all homeowners.

Old Farm Lakes Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions
The OFL Covenants require, if you are making any changes to your property, that you submit a plan before doing so. The plan should be submitted to the Architecture Review Committee for review and approval. The Board has established several architecture policies to promote harmony and enjoyment for all OFL residents. Policies exist for swimming pools, satellite dishes, and fencing.

If you have any questions regarding the Covenants and Restrictions applicable to your property in the Old Farm Lakes subdivision, please contact any OFL Board Member.

If you would like to view the complete Old Farm Lakes Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions in its original PDF format, Click Here.